Maybe you're the biggest in your friend group and worry that other people are judging you. Maybe you're convinced no one will date you at your current size. Maybe you feel anxious or ashamed at the sight of certain body parts or a number on the scale regardless of what you do. Maybe you have health issues and you're concerned about your wellbeing. Maybe you're afraid your body will hold you back from the career of your dreams...what will people think?
After working with hundreds of people of various sizes, shapes, and backgrounds, I know that no body size guarantees a pain-free life. Navigating the world in a thinner or smaller body is undoubtedly easier, but people of all body sizes are afraid of being criticized, rejected, and judged based on what they look like. This tells me that there's more to feeling confident and comfortable than getting to the "right" body size or having the "right" look.
Why is this? Negative body image has less to do with your appearance and more to do with the thoughts, beliefs, sensations, emotions, and other content that lives inside of you and within the culture. And while you & I alone can't change the culture, you can shift your internal experience to feel more confident and comfortable in your body and actively unlearn what you've been taught to believe about yourself.
Because I have lived experience and extensive training, I won't tell you that loving your body can be done in five easy steps. While you need different beliefs to have a different relationship with your body, I'm also not going to tell you that it's all about mindset, either.
To build comfort and confidence in your body and live with way, way less distress regardless of your situation or size, you need a comprehensive that truly honours the complexity of your experience.
size affirming
sweet & salty
“I felt so afraid to see my body change that no amount of more information about Intuitive Eating could change things. Sarah brought tools that helped me not just change the way I thought, but the way I felt in my body.“
With 6 bi-weekly, intimate live coaching calls and lots of space for discussion and processing, this program is designed to get to the root of your body image concerns.
"Sarah is a warm and grounding presence for any woman looking to re-write the relationship she has with her body. She is a beautiful blend of practical tools and knowledge, and the gentlest compassion for the self. Even in my most activated moments, I felt safe with her, and she helped me learn to rebuild my relationship with my body so I could feel safe there, too."
Each call will weave in opportunities for discussion and processing. There is no pressure to contribute if you're not ready. That said, there's all kinds of ways you can contribute without divulging private information.
I understand body image can be a difficult topic for many people to speak openly about. The group is limited to 6 participants to foster an intimate, relatively safe space for honest and meaningful conversation.
Worried you'll need more than the time we have together? Once we complete this round, you'll have the opportunity join me for alumni support on a month-by-month basis (4 participants minimum required). You may also schedule private sessions with me at an additional cost.
From the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, you think about your body. You struggle to get dressed in the morning and worry about what others are thinking about your appearance.
You know diets aren't a long-term "fix" for the discomfort you feel, but you don't know what else to do. You're open and interested in learning new tools to manage your discomfort outside of weight loss.
Food and negative body image can take up so much mental real estate. They can also prevent you from taking action toward your goals, whether they involve your health, relationships, career, or another area. You don't want your feelings about your body to hold you back.
You love diving deep into concepts and learning more about yourself and your behaviour(s). You want to learn more about what's gotten you here...and how to get out.
As someone who spent 15+ years struggling with disordered eating, over-exercise, and negative body image, I know what it takes to stop the restrict-binge cycle — and what most programs leave out or get flat-out wrong about our relationship to food and our bodies.
I created the Rooted body image training to give you the education, tools, space, and support to have a different relationship with your body by going to the roots.
This program is a great fit if want to feel more confident and comfortable in your current body.
You do not have to be 100% ready for Intuitive Eating or a non-diet approach to get a lot from this program, but please know this is not a weight loss program and it does not celebrate weight loss. Mention of numbers (e.g. weight), weight loss/diet talk, pathologizing language, and weight-based discrimination are not permitted. You will get the most from this program if you are open to body neutrality or want to feel better in your body regardless of what happens to your weight.
This program isn't a good fit if you: have an active eating disorder (e.g. strong restriction, purging, over-exercise, laxative use, binge eating more than once per week), aren't open to feeling better in your current body, are experiencing significant or acute body image stress, or feel totally comfortable in your body! Please email if you have questions about this.
The coaching calls take place on the following Sundays from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ET:
September 22, October 6, October 20, November 3, November 17, and December 1.
Calls run for 90 minutes and will involve a combination of education, discussion, and processing. Coaching calls are hosted on the Zoom platform. Feel free to bring snacks and cozy beverages!
Apart from the live 90-minute calls, I may send out materials (such as reflection questions) for you to look at in advance of the calls. I always recommend thinking about the work in between calls to get the most out of your time.
I offer three payment options to suit a variety of needs. If you need a different payment structure, please e-mail
Given the culture we live in, it's entirely understandable to want to lose weight or to change your body. That said, this program is not a weight loss program. I ask that you come with an open mind and a willingness to learn additional ways of managing your discomfort. This training can be a good entry point into non-diet living. I truly believe these tools and strategies are for everyone.
Due to the nature of this program and limited space, all sales are final and there are no refunds. That said, I want you to be satisfied with your purchase and to get the most from our time together. If you are unsatisfied with the training in any way, please let me know how I can support you and I will do my best to accommodate your request.
The program is subject to provincial sales tax.